Written Exams

Written Exams 2024

Theoretical concepts as presented in the lectures and reading materials are tested through 4 short written exams (sub-tests).
These test are online in a time-frame early in the morning: 8.30 - 9.00 hrs.
In order to obtain a final grade attending these tests is mandatory.

Test Schedule
Use the lecture schedule to see what material needs to be studied for each lecture.

Test NumberDate (2024)Material to be studied
1-09-2024, 9.00 hrsLectures 1, 2 and 3 and reading assignments corresponding to these lectures.
2-10-2024, 8.30 hrsLectures 4, 5 and 6 and reading assignments corresponding to these lectures
3-10-2024, 8.30 hrsLectures 7, 8 and 9 and reading assignments corresponding to these lectures
4-11-2024, 8.30 hrsLectures 10, 11, 12 and 13 and reading assignments corresponding to these lectures
Retakes, after-11-2024, TBA - mailContent of the specific retake as listed above as well as instructions given

The final combined grade of these exams contributes 35% to the overall course grade.

The course grade is constructed as follows:
Course grade =
(0.35 * ((gradeSubTest1 + gradeSubTest2 + gradeSubTest3 + gradeSubTest4)/4)) +
(0.65 * gradeProject)

with the condition that both the TestGrade and the ProjectGrade > 5.5

Rules for the written exam

  • Participation in all 4 tests is mandatory.
  • Each sub-test will be a written exam, containing a number of multiple choice questions and most of the times one open question.
  • The test will be online and open book.
  • The start and end time for each test will be communicated.
  • If you start late, you do not get extra time after the official test time (each test will take 30 minutes).
  • To pass the written exam part of the course, your average grade for the 4 sub-tests should be at higher then 5.5.
  • If you miss one or more of the exams 1, 2 and 3, you can apply to catch-up to a maximum 1 of these before Test 4 on November 6th.
  • Your sub-grade for a missed test (sub-test 1-3) will be 1, if you do not catch up on it.
  • If you would like to improve upon your grade for one of the sub-tests, you can retake the exam with the lowest result at the Retakes.
  • A retake is only possible if your average over 4 tests is below 5.5
  • All retakes will be scheduled after November 6th 2023 .
  • If you do not overall pass the tests, i.e. average grade 5.5 or lower, you get the chance to attend the retake early 2024.
    This retake will be one full written exam and does not consist of sub-tests.

Trial Exams

Some example exams are provided below to develop an idea on the level of knowledge that is expected. This is more like the type of questioning.

Trial Exam 2011

A written exam from the 2011 HCI course

Trial Exam 2013

A written exam from the 2013 HCI course (retake)