
Recommended Course Book

The recommended book that will be used throughout the course and provides a lot of background for the assignment is: Designing Interactive Systems (3rd edition) David Benyon, 2013, Pearson-Addison Wesley

In general, this book can be ordered in the Leidsche Flesch "book program". The book can also be ordered following this link: HCI Book Benyon

Other books

  • Visualization Analysis and Design - Tamara Munzner, 2014, CRC Press
  • Beyond Human Computer Interaction - Jenny Preece, et al., 2002, Wiley and Sons.
  • Designing the User Interface - Ben Shneiderman, 1998, AWL
  • The Human Interface - Jef Raskin, 2002, AWL
  • Human Computer Interaction - Jenny Preece et al, 1995, AWL