
Practical information

Each team presents their project and plans once in the presentation part of the course. The presentation sessions of the course start on November TBA and end at December TBA. For the 2024-2025 course the presentations are scheduled at the following lecture hours, i,e:

Monday 11.00-12.45 and
Thursday 11.00-12.45

The project presentations will take place in room TBA. For the presentations a large LCD display will be used, with HDMI, DVI and VGA connections. In addition, a traditional projector is available and can be used (VGA). If needed, remote attendance can be arranged, the streaming facility will be used. Instructions on joining the stream will follow.

All teams have to participate in 3 of the presentation sessions, including their own presentation. For each of the presentations there will be an audience of about 24-28 students. Active participation of the participants is appreciated and expected.

The Final Presentations, demonstrating the prototype will take place between January 7th 2025 and January 10th 2025. For the presentation sessions a schedule will be composed to which the teams/students should strictly adhere. The final presentations are organized as a conference and thematically grouped in sessions of one hour. Each team participates at least in their own session. One can, however, participate in as many sessions as one likes. When the schedule becomes available, it can be found in the table below.

Presentation schedules

Presentation schedules and templatesDescriptionLink
Schedule Project Presentations

The project presentations will take place in the period 4 Nov - 5 Dec, 2024. These are intermediate presentations as explained in the lecture on the structure of the course. Please follow instructions in the document (Current version 1.1). The link in the next column will allow you to view the presentation schedule (on BrightSpace).

Project presentation template 2024

The instructions the project presentations are given within a powerpoint file in which the global structure of the presentation is presented. Detailed instructions of each item are given in the "notes" section of the template. Fill in each paragraph of the presentation accordingly. Your presentation should not exceed the time-limit of 12 minutes. The presentation is followed by a discussion of about 10 minutes. Questions? please contact the course administration. Use the link in the next column to download the powerpoint template. Current version 1.1

Final presentation schedule

This is the schedule for the final presentations. As the schedule is tight we cannot make changes, time-slots for teams are fixed.
All final presentation are scheduled on 7 - 10 January 2025. All presentations will be in room BE 0.09 of the Gorleaus building.
You will be notified for updates. Current version (1.3) - (published 07-01-2025).
For questions contact the course administration.