Project Assignment


On this page we post all documents that contain instructions for the practical assignment.
For the fulfillment of the assignment you will find references to tutorials that can be useful.

You must submit your assignment documents through HCI&IV BrightSpace: [LINK]


Assignment 2023

The assignment for the HCI&IV 2023 course is a 25-page document that contains all necessary steps for the practical part of the course. Please follow instructions carefully and respect the deadlines. The assignment can be subject to small improvements. Important and structural changes will be notified in the news section. Questions can be directed to the assistants.
Current version 1.2 (published 23-09-2023)

Template Project Proposal 2023

Use this template to provide a summary of all the relevant issues to your project proposal. The Assignment document should be used as a guide for this template.
This template is an "editable" pdf; Use Acrobat reader and save the edited template as "pdf" according to the instructions in the assignment.
Upload the project proposal to Brightspace as instructed.

Project presentation template 2023

The instructions the project presentations are given within a powerpoint file in which the global structure of the presentation is presented. Detailed instructions of each item are given in the "notes" section of the template. Fill in each paragraph of the presentation accordingly. Your presentation should not exceed the time-limit of 12 minutes. The presentation is followed by a discussion of about 10 minutes. Questions? please contact the course administration. Use the link in the next column to download the powerpoint template.

System Usability Scale-Questionaire

Instructions for the System Usability Scale Questionaire as originally introduced by John Brooke. Carefully study this document and use the accompanying "doc" file which you can adapt and change to work for your research project.
Additional remarks and questions can be asked to the course administration.

System Usability Scale

Document file for the System Usability Scale. Download and adapt this so that it fits your particular evaluation.

Instructions for evaluations

For the 2021 course an updated version of this document is being prepared and will be released soon.
Currently, this is a pre-release of the "old" version of the document. Update planned for autumn 2023.

Final Paper

Description of the content for the final paper as well as how to write the final paper.

Final Paper

We use a LNCS template for the Final paper. This template must be used. This zip-file contains a word template. Follow the instructions as given in HCI&IVpaper.pdf; Use the masterfile to write your paper.
The is Latex/Overleaf template can be downloaded following the [LNCS] link.



Finishing the Assignment

Final Paper

The final paper must be written according to the format given in the template as provided in the table above. You should not duplicate complete content of your earlier design documents. The Final Paper will be submitted to a test for plagiarism as a standard procedure for originality and quality
Please submit the file as: 2023-HCIIV-FinalPaper[#].pdf, in pdf format using the template provided. Instructions are given in the Project Assignment.
Please note, we only accept PDF files, and these must be uploaded to BrightSpace. For questions? please contact your assistant.

Final presentations

The final presentations of your project will take place from January 8th 2024 to January 12th 2024 at the rooms as indicated in the schedule. At the presentation you will explain and demonstrate your prototype and this will be discussed with a representation of the course administration as well as students interested (all are welcome). The only thing you will have to prepare is a demonstration and what you have written in the paper. The format of the presentation is interactive and the total time for the presentation of a team is (in total) 20 minutes; this includes the discussion of your paper by the course administration. If you have questions regarding this outline please contact your assistant.

Further instructions are provided in the document on the final presentations, which can be found in this document [LINK] (version 0.0, TBA).

Overall Workflow of the Assignment

Project Assignment