
Links to Tutorials for the HCI & IV Course

There is a range of resources and documents available that provide the building blocks and/or instructions to make interactive visualizations.
Please take note of these resources and use them to build your prototypes. For some of these tools the assistants can provide additional help.

Tutorial documents and manuals

D3 Resources

The (un)official repository with lots of material on D3; good examples and code on Interactive (web) documents.

[D3 2]
D3 Tutorial

The D3 URL with explanations on D3.js in interactive (web) documents.

[D3 1]
Unity Tutorial

A set of examples and tutorials by Ray Wenderlich, strong focus on the design of Games.

Unity Resource

A URL with tutorials and examples on Unity provided by the Company.

p5.js Tutorial

A tutorial to learn the relevant concepts of p5.js
This javascript library is very suitable for creative coding and producing infoviz prototypes.

Happy Coding

More tutorial and hands-on information for working with p5.js.

[Happy Coding]

All relevant information on Processing; latest version, tutorials and sample code.
Processing is a superset om JAVA and has a lot of API's to peripheral devices suitable for infoviz prototypes.

Wireframe Sketcher

For the construction of paper prototypes, a wireframe tool is indispensable.
The WireFrameSketcher is helpfull for those interested in producing wireframe models.

Interface Sketcher

For the construction of mockup prototypes, a mockp-up tool van be useful.
The Wondershare Mockit tools is helpfull for those interested in producing early mockup models.

HCI & IV Course Quiz

The HCI quiz takes you through the whole process of development as it is applied in this course.
As an example a number of previous projects have been taken and all the documents that come with that particular project
Pick a project and enjoy the quiz.